Kindergarten is more than just an introduction to school. It’s also a place where children begin to develop the skills they need to become well-rounded, compassionate, and successful adults.
At Montessori Children’s Center, we believe that teaching children to understand and appreciate diversity can lead us all to a more peaceful, harmonious world. Here are a few ways Montessori kindergarten can encourage your child to embrace diversity.
Children Learn About Other Continents, Countries, and Cultures
Young children have a lot to learn. For that reason, it’s often easy for adults to forget to teach them about the rest of the world. In kindergarten and sometimes even earlier, children learn to identify different countries and continents on the map. As they do so, they learn a bit about each country’s customs and cultures.
Montessori kindergarten students may even complete map puzzles to help them understand the broader world. This activity also helps develop fine motor skills, planning ability, and strategy.
As they learn, students are encouraged to identify and celebrate their differences. For example, kindergarteners who celebrate Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Diwali, and other holidays can share their experiences with their fellow students. That way, “other cultures” aren’t just theoretical entities — they’re a part of students’ daily lives.
Children Work with Others of Mixed Ages
One of the ways Montessori differs from other types of private kindergarten is its mixed-age classrooms. Older children help younger children learn life skills and solve problems. Studies have even indicated that mixed-age classrooms are more effective than single-grade classrooms when it comes to social learning — a key component of understanding and appreciating diversity.
Younger students tend to look up to older students. When these older children are also different from them in terms of race, gender, social class, or cultural background, the students begin to learn that people from different backgrounds aren’t so different after all.
Children Work with Others of Mixed Academic Abilities
Traditional, single-age private kindergarten classrooms foster competition from an early age. Teachers expect students to learn at the same rate, and students with greater academic skills may look down on those with lesser skills. In some cases, children are even divided into math or reading groups based on their abilities.
But in Montessori kindergarten, students are encouraged to work together regardless of academic skill. This practice encourages tolerance and respect for those with learning differences. It also helps students develop a spirit of compassion and a desire to help others.
Children Learn Songs About Diversity
Singing together helps Montessori kindergarten students foster a spirit of community while developing musical skills. In our program, children can also learn from these songs. Whether they’re singing lyrics about promoting peace, embracing their differences, or other cultural practices, kindergarten students learn valuable lessons while always having fun.
We make sure that students experience a wide range of songs. One day, the children might be singing an old classroom hit like “We the People (Constitution Song)” by Sandy Wilbur, while on another, they might hear familiar TV favorites like “We All Sing the Same Song” from Sesame Street. We even incorporate memorable songs by famous artists, such as “One Love” by Bob Marley.
Ready to Discover the Montessori Difference?
Your child’s private kindergarten experience offers them the foundation they need for academic, social, and emotional development. And when you send your child to a Montessori school, you ensure that this foundation is solid. To enroll your child or learn more about Montessori, contact Montessori Children’s Center today!