Sing Me Home

An ancient Inuit legend tells us that once upon a time, many years ago, the animals of the Arctic lived in harmony and unity. Every year, all the animals would gather at a great cave, and dance together, to prove that they were all one family. One year, a man entered the cave and laughed at the animals. The embarrassed animals cursed the man that his son will be born deaf, and fled, never to dance together again. As the curse foretold, his only son, Suinnak, was born deaf. Years later, he decided to take Suinnak on a walrus hunt. During the hunt, they encountered a fierce storm that separated Suinnak from his father. Will Suinnak survive his ordeal out in the wilderness? Will he be able to find his way back home? From the props to the scenery to the costumes, everything is made by the students with help from parents and teachers. These operas provide an opportunity for the Montessori students to work together to produce a special show for everyone to enjoy

Tickets and Information


$20 General Admission
Free for children under 3 in lap seat


Friday, Febrauy 7, 2020 at 7:00PM


Jackson Theater, Smith Center, Ohlone College
43600 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA, 94539

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Children’s Art

Click on an image to enlarge and click through the gallery of Children’s Art for ‘Sing Me Home.’


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