What Are Some Good Ideas to Maintain Learning Retention in Preschool?

What Are Some Good Ideas to Maintain Learning Retention in Preschool - Montessori School of Pleasanton

Your preschool-aged child is right on the precipice of their K-12 journey, which means they’re not only just beginning to learn, but they’re also learning how to learn. This means that they’ve yet to acquire some of the techniques necessary to help them take in, process, and perhaps most importantly, retain knowledge. 

At our authentic Montessori preschool, we employ several techniques to help your child retain what they’ve learned, some of which you can easily do at home. Supporting your child’s retention at home can be both easy and fun. Take a look at these simple tips for nurturing this crucial part of the learning process.

Use Multisensory Connections

Our senses are closely connected to memory, which is why the smell of freshly baked cookies might bring you back to your grandmother’s house, or a certain song might transport you to the period of time in which you first heard it. 

You can use this key tenet of the Montessori Method by combining sight, hearing, and touch into your teaching process. 

Try Rhythm, Rhyming, and Repetition

Whether you’re a preschool-aged child or a full-grown adult, it’s always easier to retain information when it rhymes or has a sense of rhythm to it. Creating songs or poems out of the information you want to teach your child is not only highly effective, but it can be a lot of fun as well. 

Once you and your little one have created your songs or poems, repeat them regularly, and they are bound to make an impression in your child’s mind.

Turn Them into Teachers

Memorizing information and processing that information enough to effectively share it with others are two very different concepts. Simple memorization is much less likely to stick with your child for the long term. 

A way to overcome this obstacle is to allow your child to teach you all about what they’ve learned. Doing so can help them do more than memorize the material; it can help them to process it on a deeper level.

Quiz Them

The pop quiz is a tried and true method of determining just how much a student knows, but it serves another purpose, too. Pop quizzes can help your little one to process the information they’ve acquired so that it moves from their short-term memory into their long-term memory.

Make Learning Into a Game

Incorporating some fun into your child’s education is both a more enjoyable and a more effective way for them to learn. Make a game out of delving into the new information your child has learned.

Your child is more likely to remember things they have a positive association with. Additionally, they’ll be more inclined to engage in learning if they find it fun.

Break Information Into Smaller Parts

Sometimes there is simply too much information for your child to take in all at once, which often results in none of it being taken in at all. To avoid this issue, you can break that information down into smaller, more digestible bits, ensuring your child understands each piece before slowly combining them into a big picture. 

Take Short Breaks

It’s always a good idea to take small breaks to keep your child engaged while learning. Short breaks can refresh your child’s mind, supporting their ability to focus and increasing their productivity. Just a few minutes of rest can mean the difference in retaining knowledge for the long term in your child.

Consider Montessori Preschool for Your Child

Montessori preschool can provide your child with the foundation they need to learn for a lifetime. If you’re interested in learning more about everything Montessori preschool has to offer your child, reach out to Montessori School of Pleasanton today.

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