3 Proven Tips for Summer Academic Retention in Montessori Primary Students

Summer break is an essential part of childhood that most parents remember fondly. Even so, when long, carefree days and schedule changes disrupt your normal routine, it’s all too easy for kids to get off track and suffer the dreaded summer brain drain.

In truth, studies are contradictory when it comes to the amount of knowledge kids lose over the summer break. Some cite a loss of knowledge that equates to weeks or months of prior learning, whereas others suggest that lower-income students are more likely to slide in testing. Some show little impact at all.

It’s important to remember that kids are learning all the time, even if they’re not in a classroom. What this means is that you can find opportunities to direct their discovery and growth. 

In particular, there are plenty of ways to maintain the Montessori mentality and incorporate lessons and activities that support and reinforce a Montessori primary program. Here are a few to try with your child this summer.

1. Get Your Hands Dirty

Hands-on activities are great ways to ensure an immersive learning experience that leaves an impression on children. There are numerous ways to keep young minds active during summer downtime. Trips to zoos, museums, and local landmarks are a great place to start, and some offer free family days or discounted rates for locals.

Nature provides free fun and lots of opportunities to explore. You can go on hikes, participate in evening stargazing, or collect items like pine cones and leaves to count, sort, and arrange into a decorative wreath or garland. You can even grow a vegetable garden and use fresh produce to try new recipes.

Additionally, consider enrolling your child in a summer reading program and encouraging them to write a story, comic book, or play. These activities can drive curiosity, discovery, and creativity. 

Remember, too, that many activities can be platforms for learning. Any hands-on lessons that mimic Montessori primary methods can help kids maintain knowledge and continue to feed their absorbent minds.

2. Be Selectively Social

Some amount of self-directed play isn’t a bad thing. However, the “let kids be kids” philosophy doesn’t mean that you have to allow children to do as they please all summer long.

You can also create opportunities for cooperative lessons by planning a scavenger hunt for kids and their friends, creating a backyard obstacle course, having them do chores like washing dishes or tidying up together, or encouraging them to play cooperative board games.

You might also consider planning some social activities that help young children begin to understand how they fit into the larger fabric of society. In a Montessori primary program, children begin to learn about appropriate interactions with peers, adults, and authority figures. Take it a step further by finding age-appropriate ways to help others.

Service to others assists in building empathy. Consider having your child work with you to assemble a donation box for the local food bank or make and deliver meals to family, friends, or neighbors in need. And if you have elderly relatives or friends in a nursing home, plan visits with kids and teach them why this personal interaction is so valuable.

3. Consider a Summer Program or Year-Round Program

Are you a working parent or simply looking to reduce your child’s education interruption during the summer months? If so, you might think about enrolling them in a summer program or year-round schooling. You can still plan enriching, hands-on activities while your children continue to develop in the Montessori primary classroom setting.

If you’re seeking summer educational accommodations or resources to help you plan for summer academic retention, Montessori West is here to help. Contact us now to learn more about available programs and schedule a tour at a campus near you.

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